The Absolute Best Practices for Better Website Translation

When you translate your website, it can more effectively communicate your message to foreign audiences. In a business environment that is increasingly global and internationally connected, reaching people across borders can be essential for success. Read on to learn more about the best practices for website translation.

Best Practices for website translation

Professional WEBSITE Translation Services

A website translation can be a complicated matter as it requires more than simple word-for-word interpretation. You could save money by cutting corners and hiring an inexperienced translator or by using an automated translation service. However, these option also come with a high probability of inaccuracy and can end up costing you more in the long run.

Languages are nuanced, and there is more to translating a website than just substituting one word for its counterpart in the target language. A professional translator will understand how the meaning of words can change depending on the context and the necessary adjustments to grammar.

Expect Changes to the Layout

A change in language is often going to require a change to the layout of the page. You might need to consider the amount of space that is taken up by different parts of text, the location of different elements, and changes to the images on the page.
One common issue with website translations is that the translated text usually takes up more space than the text from the original page. When this occurs, you must consider making adjustments to the layout of the page to accommodate the additional space required for the text.

Know Your Audience

The translated website is going to have a different target audience than the original website. A message that was on the mark for the original audience might not be appropriate for the audience of the translated website.

Cultural differences might change the way that people view certain images and it can make a difference in regard to the way that a particular message is received. Before you translate your website, you should research the target audience to learn about these important differences.

Changes to SEO Strategy

You also want to research your target audience’s search habits. You want to learn about the search engines that they use and the search terms that are relevant in the targeted market. You can use this information to adapt the SEO strategy of the website.

You can optimize the text using the keywords that are relevant to the customers in your target market. Alter domain names and meta descriptions, and develop content that is designed for the new audience. A change to the SEO strategy will help to ensure a higher search visibility for the website translation, and it will make the site easier for the target audience to find.

Legal Issues

Operating in a foreign market comes with a change in the laws. In website translation, you want to be mindful of the differences in the restrictions that exist in the targeted country. Be aware of changes to the legal language that is used in different countries, and adjust things like your terms of service to make sure your website is in compliance with the laws and restrictions in the targeted country.

Article prepared in cooperation with Morningside Translations

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